Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Did you know Tiki's a twin?

I watch the Today show more than should be admitted, but yesterday they did a story about a school that had a bazillion sets of twins. Lately, living so far from Kenz has made me feel less twinny but stories like that make me think--"I'm a twin too! Switching classes is a bad idea!" It has been interesting to live a life right now that is the closest to a singleton that I have experienced, but I secretly miss the weird looks, the funny stories, that thing that makes me different than most.

We have been asked a lot of questions over the years, and one regular has been, "Do you feel each other's pain?" I always thought that was a laughable question. However. Kenz has been sick lately with a fever and sore throat. Yesterday I felt my tonsils swelling for no apparent reason and later that night I felt the sensitive skin that lets me know I have a fever (98.8, which actually is a low grade fever for someone who has a normal core temp of 96.9--am I cold blooded?). Many times this since we moved I will tell her I'm not feeling good only to find out she is feeling the same way. So what is it? Coincidence or mystical twin echo sickness?


kenzie said...

the sensitive skin, the hot eyes, swollen tonsils. I can't read your mind but we seem to have the same odd bodies.

Anonymous said...

sometimes I wish I had a twin or even a sister. I think that is way mystical... really cool.

nikkiricks said...

brandon thought that he was pmsing the same time as me. he wanted to cry when someone asked him how he was doing, he was snippy, and all he wanted on his bagel was chocolate. it's a little twinnish? you're cooler though, cause it's blood.

Leslie said...

my mom is a twin and claims she felt labor pains and shortly after found out her twin sister was going into labor on the other side of the country. it may be mystical, but i think it's real!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did know about Tiki's twin because they're both pro football players.