Saturday, November 8, 2008

no eye smiles

Jon is much better at this than me. Look at those eyes! He is selling that sweater! Or he is staring deeply into your soul.

I don't mind admitting that I like reality shows. Modeling/fashion based reality shows. But for all the shows I've watched--ANTM, Petra's "Model Life," Project Runway, The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, 10th and Ocean (Don't you judge!)--models are constantly whining about how "hard" their job is. And yeah, if Tyra's making you hold a tarantula between your teeth while being dangled above a pit of stilettos WHILE frozen in a block of ice, that might be difficult. But real modeling is usually a simple recipe of a cat-like pouty face, an eastern European pedigree and a diet of red bull and cigarette butts. Easy. At least that's what I thought. I met Jon for lunch a few days ago, and also decided to take some pictures of a bunch of sweaters I'm posting on the etsy shop. It had to be done, and how hard could it be? I don't have a Slovakian cat-like face, so I had Jon cut my head out of the pictures. 15 minutes later I felt embarrassed, frumpy, and very JC Penney catalog-esque. There was no face involved, and yet I struggled. I just felt so dumb, standing on a sidewalk getting my pictures taken between joggers on the sidewalk. It was a tortorous, humbling experience. I hate it when Tyra is right.


John and Melanie said...

Mal I can't even describe the happiness when Kenz commented on my blog. I've been wondering about you guys for a LONG time and I'm so giddy to find you. HOw the heck are you? Dental school and loving life? Sweet. At first I was wondering how you guys know Hart and Kaylee... then I remembered, Jon's from AZ! Small world, I miss you...

Ty and Meg said...

Of course Tyra is right. She is bascially God. Maybe just like one step below (She can explain it to you). I think you make a lovely headless model.