I haven't been the most regular in posting. (oh, you haven't noticed anyway?) Theo has been taking a single half hour nap daily, doesn't like it when I'm on the computer, and night time is strict couch and Tivo time with Jon. It's a sacred after-a-long-day routine in which we soak up as much screen time as we can after Theo goes to bed and eat random snacks. (just kidding Mom, we don't do this all the time just kidding we totally do just kidding just kidding) So here's some of the other stuff we do.
Go to art class.
Visit with old friends. Especially if they have a matching stroller.
Go to pumpkin patches and just buy a corn on the cob. Theo loved it--who cares about pumpkins?
Play in an orchestra, which is hard on my back. I am old.
Go to the park with friends and enjoy the last sunny bits of fall.
Make lots of towers.
Make our own hot tubs and maybe wear pajamas while doing so.
We Motherboy III. (I think we're on III, correct me if I'm wrong)
We dance, which is my main source of exercise right now. Arcade Fire seems to be a Theo favorite.